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Ever feel like your business is tugging on your heart strings?!

When revenue is up – you’re up. When revenue is down – you’re down.

The team is happy – you’re happy. The team is unhappy – you’re unhappy.

Clients are giving rave reviews – you feel proud. Clients are criticizing – you feel inadequate.

Over the entrance to Wimbledon, there is a sign that says treat victory and defeat as the imposters that they are.

Many of us build businesses because we want to do good in the world.

Create a quality product or service … employ high performing team members … and get financially and verbally rewarded for our efforts.

But business is messy.

So inevitably … there are plot-twists, black swans, and right hooks that disrupt our efforts at best or knock us off course completely at worst.

I’ve learned what matters most is not our business strategy, sales funnel or even our reputation, but WHERE our sense of security is rooted.

Everything else is an outpouring of that ONE thing.

John Maxwell talks about laying a foundation of strong personal security because none of us grow beyond these four fundamental human needs:

  1. A sense of worthif missing, we feel inferior
  2. A sense of belongingif missing, we feel insecure
  3. A sense of purposeif missing, we feel illegitimate
  4. A sense of competenceif missing, we feel inadequate

The ability to effectively lead a team begins with an emotionally and spiritually healthy leader.

Again, we can’t organize and scale our businesses unless we organize and scale ourselves.

In the work I do and all the seats I’ve sat in …

Hitting a ceiling in business is VERY common.

I have not yet met a leader or business that has exceeded 7-figures that has not hit a ceiling.

A ceiling being …

The way we’re operating is not allowing for sustainable growth (more sales, more clients, more locations, more employees, more reach) AND we must do something different.

This ceiling seems like a business hurdle BUT it’s actually a leadership hurdle.

And it stems from you and me. The decision-maker.

If something is happening within our organization that we do not like … Ask … “In what way am I enabling this?”

Leaders create environments and environments drive behaviors.

Therefore, the first environment to audit is the one within yourself … ourselves.

This is about a stable foundation to launch expansion. This is about internal security. This is about identity.

Our identity is about value and it’s made up of two things.

We have innate value and market value.

Innate value is God*-given … you and I were born with it. 

It’s the part of us that exists beyond space, time, and circumstance. It’s built-in and never changes.

Market value is based on external factors and is transactional.

It’s about performance. If I do this then I’ll be recognized and rewarded. It’s determined by humans and humans are fickle.

The danger in the personal development world comes from the notion “in order to achieve success we must be valuable to valuable people”.

From a market-value perspective this is valid and a powerful strategy. You and I have made millions doing this.

AND it’s incomplete.

Success is NOT just about money, mindset, and mansions.

Success is about waking up in your dream life and it permanently filling the void in your heart.

I’ve learned that market-value results never fill the void.  Another zero in your bank account or that trophy doesn’t cut it.

The only way to build your business and your life so that you wake up in your dream life and it feels like you thought it would … is to build from the seat of innate-value.

And along the climb, whether you win or lose, who you are is rooted in clear identity.

The path towards breaking free from business codependency is about knowing the soul of your work.

The soul of my work is Space and Grace.

In order for us to transcend the things blocking us in business and relationships, we must have … 

Space to address the brutal facts and meet those cringe-worthy reflections with an abundance of grace  so that we can evolve past them and thrive.

I’m on a mission to help leaders build their businesses from clear identity and break-free from business codependency.

If this resonates with you or someone you know … 

There is a path to gain alignment AND THEN crush it in business SO THAT your dinner table is full of peace, prosperity and presence.

When you’re ready to build differently or join a community of leaders who are, let’s have coffee – I’d love to include you.

Cheers to grace, gratitude, and grit!


P.S.  Please message me … It encourages my soul when you share how it resonates and inspires me to keep writing. 🙏

P.S.S.  My philosophy on organizing to scale businesses in 90-day sprints

P.S.S.S.  Do you have a strong right-hand person?!  My favorite part of organizing to scale businesses is coaching Integrators to own day-to-day execution. Happy to connect and serve.

* Whether you call it God, Source, Universe, The Divine, Infinite Intelligence or whatever else … That’s for each of us to choose.  BUT, if you subscribe to some line of thinking that says – “I did not create myself or my parents or my family line” … THEN whatever force, energy, or being that created you, is what I’m referring to. 🙂

© 2025 Staci Gray - All Rights Reserved