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Words mean things. Thoughts have power. Recurring thoughts drive actions. Consistent action creates results.

As business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders of any sort … We strive to control inputs and outputs.

So that we can drive revenue, improve operational efficiency and spread our message.

BUT, what if there is a deeper component we’ve been neglecting?

Let’s jump into a psychological sandbox and bridge the gap …

We are not our minds. We have a mind but science tells us only 5-10% of our mind is conscious. The other 90-95% is subconscious.

If we have recurring conscious thoughts that shape our reality … Where are they coming from?

Our recurring thoughts … aka … our affirmations helps us stay aligned … Keeping the main thing the main thing while we pursue our goals.

This week, we’re pondering a wild idea: what if our energy levels became a form of currency? Not sure how it’d work, but it’s a fun thought experiment!

In this video, Staci asks, “Could our energy levels become a way we exchange value?

It’s a fascinating concept, even if the specifics are unclear.

We currently rely on money or bartering as a means of exchange, but what if our energy played a bigger role? Or is it already?

✨ The Power of Positivity: The saying “Your vibe attracts your tribe” rings true. We’re drawn to positive, optimistic people with high energy.

It’s not magic, but science!

Facial expressions, posture, and even vocal tone project our energetic states. Someone genuinely happy often smiles more and has open body language, and we pick up on those cues subconsciously.

✨The Contagious Smile: Mirror neurons in our brains fire when we do something and when we see someone else doing it.

This plays a role in empathy! So, your happiness can be contagious – a smile can make someone else smile and feel a bit happier too!

✨The Chemistry of Connection: Our brains are amazing! Neurohormones like oxytocin (released during bonding) and endorphins (released during laughter) create positive feelings in ourselves and those around us.

As humans we’re not yet measuring our “energy” as currency, but intuitively it shows a clear connection between our emotions and how we interact with others.

And our interactions with other people … Business partners, team-members, investors and clients is what drives our business success.

So … Could this translate into a future energy-based exchange system?

What do you think? Could our personal power aka perception become the currency of the future? ⚡

AND if there is some validity to this …

What impact would it have on P&Ls, Team Meetings, Conflict-Resolution, Pink-Elephant Conversations, Strategic Planning and Tactical Implementation?

How would you show up energetically not just logically or logistically?

Things to ponder …

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