Scaling 6-7-8 figure businesses for peace of mind and profits.
Helping leaders organize to scale themselves and their businesses (sales and systems) so that we can be present around our dinner tables.
I’m fluent in visionary and integrator which serves you in gaining alignment, clarity, and operational efficiency.
Here’s my philosophy on organizing to scale businesses in 90-day sprints

Way More Results
Way Less Headache
Quickly Bridging the gap between Idea and Profits
The gap is where most entrepreneurs get trapped – it’s consistent execution.
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll
“If you fix the process, you can fix the problem.”
“Get the right people on the bus and in the right seats.” – Jim Collins
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” – Tony Robbins
Your Sweet Spot
When you live day-to-day in your sweet spot, your business grows … you’re happier and more energized to get up every morning driving hard towards your goals. And the people around you are more excited too! Especially when you have Organize To Scale™ in your corner. Learn more about why we’re passionate about getting you in your sweet spot …
Our 3-Step Process
Proven Systems to Leading, Managing, and Holding Accountable the Team YOU Need to Scale Your Business
The Architect phase involves mapping your business blueprint, crucial for executing your vision. At Organize to Scale™, we collaborate with visionaries in a 3-day Strategic Planning Session.
The Build phase focuses on building the framework for our 4 Pillars of Success Syndication: Raising capital, doing deals, managing processes and leading people.
In the Operate phase, the team’s focus is on executing tasks and ensuring smooth operations, leveraging a solid foundation. These qualified individuals oversee and maintain your assets.
What Clients Say
“Prior to working with Organize To Scale, a lot of my business was stuck in my head … and now I’ve been able to move forward and execute. Staci helped me find my #1 person and now quick conversations with my Operations Coordinator I know what I want to get done will get done.“

“I think Organize to Scale – specifically their 3 day break out session – is one of the best business investments I have made to date.
They have helped me clarify an implementation plan for parts of my business that used to stress me out.
I would highly recommend anyone looking to grow their business or struggling with implementing a new idea to block time with Staci and her team! They are world class listeners who bring countless years of experience and principles to help you go faster!”

“In the first 6 months of starting my syndication business, I raised no money and had zero properties under contract. Four months after partnering with OTS, I’ve raised $2.1M with $5M in AUM and I have fully deployed systems and teams to grow even bigger in the next year! I can’t recommend OTS enough.”

“Organize to Scale has a unique way of drawing your vision out and turning it into an executable game plan. Even more, Staci’s business savvy offers you practical ideas and tools to make your business bigger and better than you may have imagined on your own. I highly recommend the 3-day planning session if you’re serious about going beyond sales and actually owning a real business.”